I compile the Linux Kernel for the TS-7400 on a faster Intel based Linux workstation. To do so I use a cross toochain downloaded from the Technologic Systems ftp site. Once the kernel is compiled I “dd” it over to the SD card just like in the original SD card setup. The toolchain libraries must match the libraries of your system. Below are the links to the tool chain and the kernel I use.
Additionally I applied two patches to the Kernel that came from the
Yahoo TS-7000 group. Without these patches
NTPD will only achieve millisecond accuracy.
Cross toolchain | crosstool-linux-gcc-3.3.4-glibc-2.3.2-0.28rc39.tar.bz2 |
Linux 2.4.26 source tree | ts7400_tskernel-2.4.26-ts11-may152007.tar.gz |
Gettimeofday usec resolution patch | linux-2.4-ts11-hrt.patch |
Variable HZ patch | linux-2.4-ts11-vhz.patch |
cd /usr/local tar -jxvf crosstool-linux-gcc-3.3.4-glibc-2.3.2-0.28rc39.tar.bz2 cd /home/arm tar -zxvf ts7400_tskernel-2.4.26-ts11-may152007.tar.gz cd linux-2.4-patched patch -p1 < ../linux-2.4-ts11-hrt.patch patch -p1 < ../linux-2.4-ts11-vhz.patch Edit the top level Linux Makefile with the path where you put the cross toolchain. vi Makefile CROSS_COMPILE = /usr/local/gcc-3.3.4-glibc-2.3.2/bin/arm-linux- make ts7400_config make oldconfig Support CPU clock change (EXPERIMENTAL) (CONFIG_CPU_FREQ) [N/y/?] (NEW) (Say y) make dep make Image Now "dd" the new image to your SD card. dd if=arch/arm/boot/Image of=/dev/sdb1 Run the commands below to keep fsck happy. Otherwise fsck will check your SD card every boot, which slows things down. mount /dev/sdb3 /flash tune2fs -i 0 /dev/sdcard0/disc0/part3 tune2fs -c 50 /dev/sdcard0/disc0/part3